Welcome to HOFA | Acoustic-Modules | Plugins | Sound- and Data-Carrier


⚠️ Due to maintenance work on Saturday February 15, there may be delays in the delivery of order confirmations.
⚠️ Due to maintenance work on Saturday February 15, there may be delays in the delivery of order confirmations.
The patent remedy for optimum acoustics
Distance learning for recording, mixing & music production
CD & DVD production | CD & DVD packaging solutions | Distribution | Storage
Intelligent audio plugins for PC and Mac
HOFA-Plugins | HOFA-Akustik | HOFA-Media | HOFA-Studios | HOFA-College
audio plugins | acoustic solutions | CD & DVD production | recording, mixing & mastering | audio courses
HOFA GmbH | Lusshardtstr. 1-3 | D-76689 Karlsdorf | tel. +49 7251 3472-0 | fax +49 7251 3472-300 | email: [email protected]