Sales and Promotion


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⚠️ Due to maintenance work on Saturday February 15, there may be delays in the delivery of order confirmations.
⚠️ Due to maintenance work on Saturday February 15, there may be delays in the delivery of order confirmations.

Sales and Pomotion

With us the CD or DVD duplication does not stop with the delivery. We also our services for you after manufacture and ensure that you sell your product. Be it digital, physically online such as on Amazon or in retail stores across PhonoNet. In the area of promotion, we can reach a lot for you.

Distribution Bundle Newcomer

129.00 EUR
incl. tax


Purchase order number: 27014

Distribution Bundle for your cd perfomance: i-Tunes, Amazon for 6 month, ean and isrc codes

Distribution Bundle STAR

199.00 EUR
incl. tax


Purchase order number: 30088

Distribution Bundle STAR: The bundle contains one EAN (Tiff), up to 15 ISRC-Codes, the digital placement as well as the placement on Amazon Marketplace for 12 months.

Distribution Bundle SuperSTAR

339.00 EUR
incl. tax


Purchase order number: 28916

Distribution Bundle SuperStar: Digital sales, Amazon for 12 month Marketplace, Sampling of broadcast stations + 20 contacts, ean and isrc codes

Digital sales

83.30 EUR
incl. tax


Purchase order number: 12894

Digital distribution, digital placement of your CD on the major download portals incl. audio samples, billing and sales distribution.


41.65 EUR
incl. tax


Purchase order number: 13119

Sales manager i-tunes, digital placement of your CD at i-tunes, including audio samples, billing and sales distribution.

Amazon marketplace, 6 months

69.00 EUR
incl. tax


Purchase order number: 10444

Amazon Sales performance, placing your CD or DVD on Amazon for 6 months, billing and shipping goods (shipping is done by HOFA), distribution of sales revenue, inventory control.

Amazon marketplace, 12 months

99.00 EUR
incl. tax


Purchase order number: 10445

Amazon Sales performance, placing your CD or DVD on Amazon for 12 months, billing and shipping goods (shipping is done by HOFA), distribution of sales revenue, inventory control.

Amazon fulfillment, 12 months

149.01 EUR
incl. tax


Purchase order number: 12673

Services through Amazon Fulfillment, placing your CD or DVD on Amazon for 12 months, billing, distribution of sales revenue, inventory control, shipping directly via Amazon.

MPN Full sampling

349.00 EUR
incl. tax


Purchase order number: 13181

Digital sampling via Phononet (MPN) incl. ARD archive sampling. Sampling requires EAN-controlled processing.

MPN Basic sampling

239.00 EUR
incl. tax


Purchase order number: 10381

Digital sampling via Phononet (MPN) incl. ARD archive sampling. Sampling requires EAN-controlled processing.

Sampling of the sound archives

49.00 EUR
incl. tax


Purchase order number: 10379

Sampling of the sound archives for your audio CD, the sampling is done by post to 9 sound archives in Germany, a label code for the sampling is required.

Phononet, 12 months

172.55 EUR
incl. tax

Purchase order number: 11649

PhonoNet Sales performance, placing your CD on the platform PhonoNet for 12 months, visualization in system and incorporation of the corresponding descriptions, storage of your CDs at HOFA, shipping to the trade by order, billing and sales distribution.

Phononet, 6 months

107.10 EUR
incl. tax

Purchase order number: 10808

PhonoNet Sales performance, placing your CD on the platform PhonoNet for 6 months, visualization in system and incorporation of the corresponding descriptions, storage of your CDs at HOFA, shipping to the trade by order, billing and sales revenue distribution.

Tiff from ean code

41.65 EUR
incl. tax

Purchase order number: 15556

Tiff from EAN, assigning an EAN code, creating a tiff with the EAN code for the graphic file connected to your CD or DVD duplication.

ISRC Code per title

1.79 EUR
incl. tax

Purchase order number: 12895

Assignment of ISRC code to embed in the premaster before pressing.

Digitaler Presavelink

29.75 EUR
incl. tax

Purchase order number: 45748

Digitaler Presavelink zum Verknüpfen des künftigen Albumreleases auf digitaler Ebene

HOFA-Plugins | HOFA-Akustik | HOFA-Media | HOFA-Studios | HOFA-College
audio plugins | acoustic solutions | CD & DVD production | recording, mixing & mastering | audio courses
HOFA GmbH | Lusshardtstr. 1-3 | D-76689 Karlsdorf | tel. +49 7251 3472-0 | fax +49 7251 3472-300 | email: [email protected]