Innerspine printing, 4 colors
Amount | EUR |
100 | 214.20 |
200 | 245.14 |
300 | 273.68 |
500 | 303.45 |
1000 | 345.10 |
2000 | 452.20 |
3000 | 559.06 |
5000 | 654.50 |
Shipping costs
Purchase order number: 11923
Inner web printing 4c, the inner web or, in multi-packs, the inner webs are full color printed (offset).
Further informations
The inner web refers to the folded edges on the inside of a cardboard packaging, such as CD-DigiFile or DVDPAC. The visible inside web is the back of the box, which is not printed. In some packages, the design may require that the print image is not interrupted on the inside. With the inner web printing the back of the box is also printed in a second print run. That is how you gain a consistent image (panoramic area) when opening your packaging. Since the inner webs are normally not printed this version is recommended for all customers who value individuality and design and thus abstain from conventional packagings in CD or DVD area.