Media Duplication


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⚠️ Due to maintenance work on Saturday February 15, there may be delays in the delivery of order confirmations.
⚠️ Due to maintenance work on Saturday February 15, there may be delays in the delivery of order confirmations.


Below you will find information about the respective media that we can manufacture for you. CD, DVD and Blu -ray, pressed or copied in small batches, special formats such as the 8cm CD or our range of USB sticks that we can have printed for you. We have prices to 10,000 pcs. listed for you. For higher order needs, please feel free to contact us.

HOFA-Plugins | HOFA-Akustik | HOFA-Media | HOFA-Studios | HOFA-College
audio plugins | acoustic solutions | CD & DVD production | recording, mixing & mastering | audio courses
HOFA GmbH | Lusshardtstr. 1-3 | D-76689 Karlsdorf | tel. +49 7251 3472-0 | fax +49 7251 3472-300 | email: [email protected]