CD with 4 page DigiFile


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CD with 4 page DigiFile - The easy variation

Amount EUR
100 482.26
200 553.83
300 607.54
500 705.93
1000 893.86
2000 1,385.96
3000 2,119.01
5000 3,119.05
8000 4,990.48
10000 6,198.53
Price incl. 19% tax

Shipping costs

Purchase order number: 20967

Special Discount - CD im 4 Seiten DigiFile

The light variant of the DigiPAC focusing on an eco-friendly production. A perfect product with many different combination possibilities and easy to afford.

Further informations

  • Glasmaster
  • CD in 4c Offset print
  • DigiFile 4-stg.
  • unique data validation from CDR and print finished (PDFs)
  • delivery to an address in Germany
  • all prices including VAT.
Risk a view on our 3D-product animation which can be find in the upper corner and get impressed.

Need for Speed!

Shorter production times are possible

HOFA-Plugins | HOFA-Akustik | HOFA-Media | HOFA-Studios | HOFA-College
audio plugins | acoustic solutions | CD & DVD production | recording, mixing & mastering | audio courses
HOFA GmbH | Lusshardtstr. 1-3 | D-76689 Karlsdorf | tel. +49 7251 3472-0 | fax +49 7251 3472-300 | email: [email protected]