CD with 4 page DigiFile - The easy variation
Amount | EUR |
100 | 482.26 |
200 | 553.83 |
300 | 607.54 |
500 | 705.93 |
1000 | 893.86 |
2000 | 1,385.96 |
3000 | 2,119.01 |
5000 | 3,119.05 |
8000 | 4,990.48 |
10000 | 6,198.53 |
Shipping costs
Purchase order number: 20967
New price for pcs.:
4.82 EUR
4.82 EUR
incl. hofa.catalog.HofaCatalogNavigation@a2531e2 % discount
Special Discount - CD im 4 Seiten DigiFile
The light variant of the DigiPAC focusing on an eco-friendly production. A perfect product with many different combination possibilities and easy to afford.
Further informations
Risk a view on our 3D-product animation which can be find in the upper corner and get impressed.
Need for Speed!
Shorter production times are possible
Need for Speed!
Shorter production times are possible